The Australian Press Club address

September 28, 2012

Ok,  I’ve not been an enormous fan our Senator Christine Milne in the past, I can’t really put my finger on why but you know…a feeling.  Well today I have to admit I feel quite differently, I juggled the time yesterday to listen to the pod cast of her National Press Club address in Canberra.

Let it be said that the NSW Greens and the Australian Greens have some minor differences in approach to things like donations etc, but the fundamentals remain the same and the vision strong and proud.

For me Senator Milne’s key phrase yesterday was that “the economy should serve the people and nature”, not the other way around. How brilliantly True, how succinct and how wrong have the two main parties really got it!!!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a business woman, I understand the needs of the Commercial world, I get it, but if you ask the average Joe and Josephine we all want a better life, not necessarily a richer one. We want clean air, fresh food on the table and apparently the CSIRO has done some significant research in this field and as Christine mentions, more stuff isn’t what the majority of people want.

I recommend to you her press club speech to you… you’ll need about an hour but it’s very well worth your time, the Greens vision on display put clearly and with passion.

Even if you aren’t a Greens supporter at least this way you can base your disinterest in fact not fiction as is put forward by the MSM.

Once you’ve listened, please comment back here, I value your input and would appreciate hearing what you thought of the presentation.

Finally well done Christine, I’m a proud Greens member and delighted you’ve stepped into the pretty big shoes of Bob Brown so well and so competently.

Police Officer of the Year

September 26, 2012

Last night I had the absolute pleasure of attending the annual Police Officer of the Year awards hosted by Rotary. This is the first opportunity I’ve had to attend because of other past commitments and I have to say how impressed I was with the event.

As many of you would know I have the utmost respect for our boys and girls in blue, they do amazing work under at times dreadful circumstances and they achieve great things often without acknowledgement or publicity.

As I was walking into the event I ran into an acquaintance I’d known through work for some years, he introduced me to his police officer daughter who was attending as a nominee and in supporting her colleagues. Once inside we went our separate ways and I cannot tell you how chuffed I was  that she was announced Liverpool Police Officer of the Year recognising her work  specifically in the Warwick Farm child prostitution  matter earlier this year and ongoing. The Other officer was recognised for her work with youth in Green Valley. More detailed information will be available next week as no doubt will be picture of the fine officers nominated and the successful teams and recipients.

Liverpool Catholic club did themselves proud in presenting a wonderful environment and the Police Band Musicians were just terrific, as were the tenors from the group called the Waiters … I am a sucker for a tenor and Nessun Dorma was no doubt my favourite piece – I’m such a Pavarotti Fan and the three gentlemen’s voices were simply wonderful.

I had the pleasure of meeting a number of these fabulous local police and catching up with some I already knew like Sup Int Ray King from Liverpool LAC.  Just at my table were Chief Sup Adam Whyte,his lovely wife Linda, Police Chaplain Keith Morgan and his gorgeous daughter,  Fed MP Chris Hayes, his lovely wife Bernadette, Wendy Waller, Paul Bryant and  Shann O’Connell. Throughout the night I met numerous  other local residents, police officers and associates at what was a delightful and special recognition of so many fabulous people. A big thank you must go to June Young OAM for her tireless efforts, I believe she first instigated this event some 14yrs ago, Rotary and to all the amazing sponsors including Liverpool Council well done.

Celebrate policing this year as they celebrate their 150 anniversary and please take a few minutes out of your day on Saturday 29th and remember those Police lost in the Line of duty, some 251 of them gone, but not forgotten.


September 25, 2012

For those unaware, the Premier of NSW is proposing a new Tax for NSW residents that would be a “simple” $300 inclusion on our rates. I pay insurance for Fire and flood and goodness knows what else. I will not support making Insurance companies richer by offsetting the fees on my RATES.

If you agree with me…either write to the Premier, you have to the 8th October or click on this link and object loud and clear and do it today. Share this with friends and family… let him know this is simply NOT ON.

From the Unions nonewtax webpage: Why is Mr O’Farrell doing this:

  • Barry O’Farrell is trying to change the way fire stations are funded. For over 100 years, insurers have provided the lion’s share of our emergency services funding. It makes sense because a strong fire service saves them billions in insurance claims. Right now it’s a true “user pays” system.

But now, the insurance companies have convinced Mr O’Farrell to tear up that system.

This will deliver the insurance companies a windfall of up to $700 million in extra profits.

I think, we in Liverpool pay enough in rates, I also believe that the Premier closing Fire stations is wrong, downsizing our fire services and reducing fire fighters is wrong and now suggesting we should pay extra in our rates to have fire protection is a step to far.

We all seem to accept blindly that our state is being governed more and more by Big Business… well this is simply too much… I say NO… not on my watch Mr O’Farrell NO, NO Hell NO….

btw…if you think because you rent it won’t affect you, think again, all additional costs will be transferred to tenants…bet your bottom dollar!




It’s ok Barry’ll fix it.

September 24, 2012

I am generally not a sceptic, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and I’m quite often a pretty good judge of character.

That said I never quite got that warm and fuzzy feeling that everything Barry O’Farrell and his team touted during the election campaign almost two years ago was well, necessarilygoing to happen… I recently saw a document put out by the now opposition in NSW that in excess of 200 core election promises had been broken by the now NSW Government…. interestingly the NSW Labor government cannot be accused of being crash hot either and I’m sure someone out there kept score too.

One of the things you knew would be in strife would be the Public Service, I’ve never seen a Liberal Government at any level who doesn’t’ attack the Public Service with hatchet like precision.  Sadly most people think that Public service means the clerk sitting behind a desk in an office in Macquarie Street, not enough of the public realises that public service includes our kids Teachers, their support staff, nurses, nurses aids, fire-fighters, ambo’s and police. Of those listed not one hasn’t been attacked by supposed cuts by the present NSW Govt, but here’s the question, where are the savings going? On the radio this morning the health minister was touting the need to trim the fat from health, again, she at no point indicated where that fat trimming excess would be directed, even when asked directly.

In fairness one promise has been kept by Barry… he did preserve and protect the Dharawal and confirmed it a National Park… nice one…. but it’s the only one with the exception of the trimming the fat which they’re doing but where is it going?  

Now we have confirmation that Toxic waste is going to be offloaded from the Northern Suburbs to Kemps Creek… well done Barry, not only do we get buried under State and Federal needs by having the Inland Port dumped on us in Liverpool but to balance out the crap we get Toxic Waste … it’s not like all of Sydney gets its water from the catchments here in Liverpool LGA… oh hang on, yes they do… the water catchment areas, of say Warragamba and Prospect reservoir are fed by local catchments such as South Creek… oooh…that’s right where the toxic waste is going to be. You know, right across the road from the CSIRO research farms on Elizabeth Drive… you know out where we have our market gardens and stuff… no need to worry Barry’ll fix it. Fix it sure, he’s made sure his local government area of Hunters Hill is free of the toxic waste they helped create and now it’s on its way to Liverpool.

I am sick and tired of everything NO ONE ELSE WANTS being dumped in the Liverpool Local Government area. We have an area in excess of 360 square kilometres  for  New Housing development,  Market Gardens,  residences, business growth and bounded by two magnificent rivers  all here in Liverpool. You have to ask how attractive will we be with our major roads clogged even more than they are now, and they are already at 110%?  What about those happy new families who are building their dream home in the South west Growth centre when they realise just across the ridge is a toxic waste dump?  Its ok Barry’ll fix it… I think not.

Seems being a Liberal council majority over the last 4 years has had nought impact against the propensity to dump stuff in Liverpool, wonder how it will be now we again have a Liberal Majority and a Liberal Mayor… ? I guess only time will tell….

Anyone got some crap they don’t want, please don’t tell Barry and the team ….’cause Barry’ll fix it,  right here to Liverpool!!!

Campaign promises and where to start

September 21, 2012

One of the things discussed by all campaigns during the elections was the improvement in a number of areas across the city including pride and image. A fine and reasonable ask I agree.

If the new Council majority wants to show its intent and purpose I have a suggestion for where to start.

REMOVE YOUR CORFLUTES  from the LGA, the Liberal ones hanging above Terminus Street on the walk over are torn and tattered and Need to be removed… all others need to be removed also, the election is over. I know you spent a LOT of money getting them out and about… but its time they were gone.

More than one person has brought this to my attention so if you want to earn credibility… this isn’t a bad place to start, sometimes its the little things.

ps… we collected all ours (for reuse) on election night, except those torn down/stolen by others, if you see them anywhere, please let us know… we certainly didn’t leave them but are happy to make sure they are gone.

As to the rest of the campaign promises I’ll keep you informed when and if there is action…its easy to make a promise, not always so easy to keep it. Fingers Crossed!

The Unknown.

September 19, 2012

I was sitting at my desk listening to this clip, My waters of Fire tonight from someone in the US, when a client asked what I was watching. I explained and he said… What the hell is fracking?”

As one does, I went on to discuss with him my sincere concerns about Coal Seam Gas exploration and the need for more of the community to voice their concerns as to the health and safety issues, to this he added he didn’t have any before because he was oblivious and I believe this is probably the norm. It’s not that people don’t care it’s that they don’t know. How do we help them know more?

What does one have to do to raise an issue … a concern if you will? I spoke at council a month or so ago of my concerns that Dart Energy has exploration licenses that cover the entire Sydney region, in other words, they can, without local approval, drill CSG wells  pretty much where ever they like without even discussing it with the local council. I raised my concern that here in Liverpool we already had drilling happening alongside South Creek… out Kemps Creek way. There are others in our LGA, some exploratory some I believe active.  I refer you to the ABC website for more info.

I know Campbelltown and Camden councils have raised serious concerns and written long involved and technical submissions and sadly most have fallen on deaf ears… why because not enough of us are concerned about the long term ramifications. Should we be? Well if you go on information out of the USA, hell yeah…. the clip highlights the fact that the chemicals used in the fracking process are complex, largely unknown.  I watched an interview with the head of one of these organisations and when he was asked…he had no clue, no idea and just assumed they were safe…how can water that can be lit on fire be safe I asked myself. (this is a trailer to Gaslands the US doco)

I know coal seam gas is considered another energy source, however it is only what is considered an interim source and the contamination of our water is of serious concern to me… it may not affect us immediately but are you willing to risk our most precious resource… I’m not. I firmly believe there are some things you just don’t risk, fresh air and water being the two most important, without them we’re doomed… so concerted effort is not a likeable idea but a necessary one. As the old saying goes when in doubt don’t…and this is one of those issues… the science I’ve read and believe to be accurate makes me consider the whole idea actually the whole risk of CSG/fracking is much too dangerous to pursue.

Do you want to know more… click on the links in this story above, the ABC one allows you to type in your postcode and look at what is happening in your area, but look a little outside your area as well, because Mining… isn’t merely a straight down thing nowadays… the well can be almost a Kilometre from your home and actually drill below you. Technology is grand isn’t it? but sometime we just have to say no because we aren’t confident of the future safety issues…

Prove me wrong sure… but in the mean time, keep your hands and drills out of my back yard, I want a morotorium that no more wells can be drilled, here or anywhere until we’re 100% sure its 100% safe…

Btw… Liverpool is my backyard, so is NSW…Australia… I’m not prepared to risk our future… are you?

Also  nothing to my knowledge was done by the previous council to address my concerns, let’s see if that changes with the new council. You never know.

Seeking feed back.

September 17, 2012

At our next Fairfield Liverpool Greens meeting in Liverpool, we will be discussing the positives and negatives of our recent election campaigns.  I have to admit I’m quite proud of the campaigns we ran, highly ethical, honest, grassroots and modern in that we used You-tube and social media to is best. However I am seeking feedback what would you say about the campaign, are there any areas you feel we could have improved, areas where we excelled even areas you’d like to comment on generally?

Bearing in mind we aren’t competing on an even dollar playing field what suggestions would you like to share with us as we begin our preparation for the next council election in 2016. For the record please bear in mind, personally even if equal funds were available to me, I could not direct the equivalent funding to a ‘campaign’ as some of our competitors did when there are homeless and hungry people in Liverpool who would much more deserving of  a meal etc and I feel confident my colleagues would agree. Sponsor a homeless shelter, build a ‘mens shed’ something for goodness sake – whatever but just to get elected… not my idea of a good spend and seriously not indicative of an active or engaged councillor. That said:

The Greens are here to stay and to achieve what we believe is fair and honest representation, what would  you consider necessary, ideal or even wish list stuff included in our forward planning… as my husband said yesterday only 3yrs 51 weeks to go. LOL

On a different topic, the 2168 Residents action group has begun organising its 2013 Health day, if you have ideas for  stalls and health oriented info stands or entertainment please let me know so I can share with this hard working group.

Final Results are in.

September 14, 2012

Congratulations to Peter Harle who was just announced as the 5th Councillor elected in North Ward and Sabrina Mamone is the 5th Councillor on South ward.

So our Council now looks like this:

North Ward: Wendy Waller – (Labor), Ali Karnib (Labor) Mazhar Hadid (Liberal) Peter Rostevski (Liberal) and Peter Harle (LCIT)

South Ward: Anne Stanley (Labor), Geoff Shelton (Labor) Tony Hadchiti (Liberal) Gus Balloot (Liberal) Sabrina Mamone (Liberal)

with Ned Mannoun Liberal Mayor.

Congratulations to those elected, commiserations to those who weren’t and please take note, we expect and want you to work together for Liverpool. No personal or political agendas,and I do hope this to be the last time I need to mention political alliances.. because your first priority now is to the people of Liverpool, not your party … and finally a reminder you work for us and we will be watching.

Once again congratulations, you have a big task ahead of you, initially finding ways to fulfil your many election promises without sending us broke or wasting even more of our rates money and then tackling issues such as a reduction of the infrastructure backlog just to name one.

Official Announcement

September 13, 2012

Today in the Council Chambers will be the official announcement that Ned Mannoun is the new Liberal Mayor of Liverpool. Whilst it is my general practice to attend all events, 10.30am today is simply impossible considering work commitments.

So to that end, I wish him and the new councillors well and assure them my continued diligence.  I am of the hope his and other councillors’ attendance will improve, especially now he is the Mayor as in the past his attendance has been let’s say disappointing.

To the outgoing mayor Wendy Waller, all the best and thank you for what you were able to achieve during what can only be described as an extremely difficult term. Being on such a divisive council and during some extraordinarily difficult times (The Fire, the many weeks of an all out verbal assault on the then GM Phil Tolhurst by the then Liberals and Independents then his  untimely Death  just to name three of our darkest) I’m confident your experience and commitment to Liverpool will prevent you partaking of similar unpleasantness as a councillor.

There is much to be achieved here in Liverpool, my greatest wish is that the general community becomes more engaged, that the community watches what is happening and speaks up if there is a matter that concerns them. That they involve themselves and make our councillors know they are accountable to the whole community, not simply small sectors and certainly not to NIMBYism.

Liverpool is a fabulous place, it deserves the very best possible and as always I will use this blog to inform you and engage you, however as I’ve mentioned above it’s not as powerful as your personal involvement.

I hope to see you around the traps… and by all means help me by sharing positive information as you hear about it, as will I and let’s make sure our new and returning councillors know they work for us the rate payers of Liverpool.

Post election commentary

September 10, 2012

The Local Council Elections have come and gone. A HUGE day for all involved on Saturday! The results won’t be finalised for a few days yet, but it’s clear our new Mayor will be Liberal, Ned Mannoun with a majority Liberal Council.

I am excessively proud of our Green Team! The Greens first time contesting council seats and the Mayor position in Liverpool, and we did a great job getting the word out! Our candidates and supporters worked so hard, and we ran an honest, grass roots campaign, that few other candidates on the ticket could have boasted. We run on shoe leather, determination of spirit, and a real commitment to our community, not party or corporate money, crass signage (which all Liverpool will no doubt be glad to see put away for the next 4 years!), or a desire to get a leg up in our political careers. As ever I took great pleasure in working in my community and getting to know even more Liverpudlians, and what they want addressed in our fine City and its surrounds. I could not be prouder of being able to work with such people on my home turf. 

Liverpool has and will move on and only time will be the judge.  We start with higher rates than our nearest neighbour and an infrastructure back log of over $240million and big issues to address like the impact of the intermodal, the lack of noise protection for the Casula links residents and more. This council can no longer post blame on the Oasis, it cannot sit and blame the past, because quite frankly it’s been directing the council for the last four years with the help of their independents and any failures have been their own.  For the new comers, I am hopeful they understand the gravity of being representatives of the people. I look forward to working with them as one of their constituents and an active community member.  

I’ll be watching closely, as I have done. Liverpool is my home, and I am passionate about its future, as it constitutes a big part of my future, my family’s and yours. 

It has been commented that my reason for joining the Greens after first running as an independent, now almost 4 years ago, was simply to have a party backing to better my political chances. I had to chuckle. The Greens are still a growing party nationwide, I am not involved in my community and it’s politics as a career choice, but because I believe in community participation. I chose the NSW Greens because of what they represent, I want to help them grow their presence, and  after these years working with the NSW Greens, I could not be more sure of my choice. I was part of their first presence on the Liverpool ticket, and I know that there is a long road ahead, not just in Liverpool, or NSW, but Nationwide as we continue to work with people and spread the word that we ARE a real option next to the two major players. I could not be surer that my personal reasons for being so active in my community and my hope for my area are best realised in the policy and the heart of the Greens.

Things will certainly be a little quieter for me in the next few weeks. And a few of us will be taking something of a well needed break. However, working for change from outside the council chambers is old territory for me now. I will be watching, and working with and within my community as I have always done. Our council no longer has the pleasure and convenience of pointing to past failures to excuse it’s inactivity, it’s divisiveness, it’s own failure. My blog will continue to highlight what’s going on in council and in Liverpool City Council.

To those moving on from council, I wish them well in their future endeavours. To those re-entering and taking up their seats in Chambers, I say, do well. Because you are representing me and my community, and I will be as keen as ever to make sure it is well you’re doing for the benefit of Liverpool and those good people in it.

Again, to all the Greens candidates and supporters, and my family, thank you! Thank you so much for your commitment to our community, your energy and effort that is always given freely and without reward. There are those, like me, for whom, politics and political activity is so very much more than a single election, and who will keep working, and I thank you for that too.

Watch this space, Liverpool.