Finally something Positive

Hi all,

I have refrained from posting for a while, I am determined to not only post negative stuff and I have to say there are times when that proves to be a bit of a chore. I have, as always been attending the community forums, council meetings and as much as possible all things Liverpool. Conflicting events means I’ve missed a couple but as I’ve said the forum have always been a really important community interaction I do my utmost not to miss. I did in the past week attend the Rural forum at Bringelly where the CEO was a special guest to discuss the happenings around Badgerys Creek airport construction and development. So the positive, I sat there listening to the CEO speak, answer questions and ensure more information will be forthcoming, most importantly she was HAPPY to be there. The last time I was privileged to watch the most senior Liverpool Executive genuinely glad to be interacting with the community was the late Phil Tolhurst, he relished his interactions with the community as does I believe our present CEO. Kiersten Fishburn. So much so she has committed to attend regularly and keep the community informed, not only as our CEO but as the only Liverpudlian representative of the Federal Government’s airport advisory group.

Council meetings are now, while better behaved degenerating into some of the behavioural issues of the past. Some councillors who think they are more important than the rest, others who play political games and others who clearly seem to be guided by ghosts from the past. Either way, not a lot is changing and while nothing untoward is happening, nothing exciting is either. That can be seen as both good and bad. Of real import to me is that under the leadership of our new CEO the morale in council appears to be on the improve, matters of significance are held to a higher standard of behaviour even against the wishes of those keen to create havoc.

There are a few things as a community we need to be mindful of and some we need to be prepared to take action:

Local events: The Spring Carnival next week, local forums to attend and council meetings to observe.

Farther afield: Rallying the community to stand up for equity and fairness in the upcoming Non Binding postal survey into allowing Same Sex Marriage.  It is really important that we do not look at this as a religious issue, while for many religion does have its place this purely and simply is an equity issue. All Australians being treated fairly and this is just the first step, once we do this we have some enormous issues in treating our first Australians with equity and fairness, treating the disabled, the elderly and refugees fairly and equitably. What saddens me about this is that it is un-Australian to be doing otherwise, yet here we are rallying for a fair deal and fair treatment for everyone, our young need access to further free education options, our unemployed need to be guaranteed a fair income and our Homeless need HOMES. People need to be ensured they can either find well paid, meaningful work or are not penalised when it is not available to them.  When you talk to the average person they are decent and caring, yet we continue to elect politicians who truly do not represent us.

I was having a conversation the other day with someone who said they cannot wait for a Federal election and in so many ways, Me too, however  while ever we continue to just switch between two parties who offer much the same thing none of the important stuff is going to change. Neither Labor nor Liberals, state or Federal have forward thinking, positive outcome, objectives, they are stuck in the past and mired in history and not even bothering to learn from it. I know I am a bit spoilt, I associate on a regular basis with truly forward thinking, positive outcome politicians, whose first focus is not on what is in it for them but what the country and the community truly need for a better, healthier, safer future.  I can hear your tutting from here 😀  lol, but it is something I actually get to experience and while it will take time for more people  to get a grasp but thats ok…one step at a time.

The big question I believe we need to ask as individuals is why, for the first time in history, is the next generation not being left in a better situation than the past? Followed by What can we do to change this… for the better?

Well now I’ve posed the big questions, I will leave you for now. See you out and about in our fabulous city, remember don’t believe everything you read, ask questions,  be sceptical don’t just believe everything you read. I was browsing a former local pollies pages today and the inaccuracies were overwhelming. I am always happy to answer questions, clear up anything you need more info on, so don’t hesitate to even question me and I will do my utmost every time to ensure the info I share is accurate and honest. I don’t print gossip, I don’t want to share incorrect information and if your view/opinion is different, share it I will post views and opinions even those different to my own.

Just before I sign off, congrats to the many Greens who did so well at this week’s council elections, there are more Greens on councils who will ensure many positive things, most especially that the community and environment get priority over development.

Til next time, remember YES to equality in the Postal survey and follow it up with a call or email to your local MP to make sure they know you expect them to represent you and the overwhelming majority of people who want/demand fairness and equity. VOTE – YES

Chris Hayes’s office number is 8786 1004 (has publicly stated he’s voting NO) e:

Anne Stanley’s office number is  9829 7477 (has publicly stated she is voting YES) e:

Craig Kelly’s Office number is  9521 6262 (has publicly stated he’s voting NO) I couldn’t find an email so you can Contact via:


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