Action Time:

January 18, 2013

frackingYesterday the group GetUp posted a link to contact all LNP members to say no to CSG mining in our LGA and further afield.

Here is the link or

Below the letter I wrote to Senator Ajaka, Please take the time to write in opposition to this proposal to mine under our homes, on our fields…for the safety of our families and our future.


Until there is proof positive that fracking will not affect our water table, until there is proof positive that there are no negative health affects, until there is proof positive that farm lands won’t be destroyed and until there is sufficient proof that you would put your family in the middle of a gas field please don’t put mine in harms way.

Studies out of the US, out of Queensland cannot establish proof positive that CSG mining is safe, recent studies have proven it is NOT cost effective and you have no right as an elected official to risk the health and safety of even one of your constituents.

With numerous alternatives, approving CSG mining is purely ‘one for the boys’ and sir, I object.

NSW is not for sale, our land our water and our people are not yours to risk.

Its time you stood up to special interests in the name of residents and said NO.

Today would be nice! By the way, we are watching, we are paying att ention and we do not like what we see, if you hope for another term, its time you started listening to the people.
Don’t frack with me and my family… my friends, my neighbours or my access to clean water, fresh air or health.


Signe Westerberg

Please feel free to use this as a guide or follow the info on the GetUp Site. If you don’t have time to write, sign the petition, every signature helps.