Relay for Life – Liverpool 2012

January 30, 2012

I am as always inspired by my fellow Liverpudlians, this past Saturday the Green Team,  Find a Cure Fam & Friends  & Eye of the Tiger teams with the gracious support of K-mart sold Relay for Life merchandise… in 2.5hrs the generosity of Liverpool’s residents was evident and the Green Team could contribute over $140 to the support of the local cancer patients and research into this insidious disease… (The other 2 teams were equally well suppported) we will do this several times over the coming weeks in the lead up to this year’s 24hr Relay… on the 24 & 25 March, so please mark this in your diary now…better still…join one of our teams and participate.  What better way to make a difference than to work together and if you read the posts from the last couple of years (on this site) you’ll quickly see its heaps of fun and ever so rewarding!